Adam Smith on Workers' Productivity / Adam Smith y la productividad de los trabajadores
"There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved."
Adam Smith and the regulation of banks / Adam Smith y la regulación de los bancos
Adam Smith on those who live by profit / Adam Smith sobre los que viven de la ganancia
Adam Smith and the welfare of workers / Adam Smith y el bienestar de los trabajadores
Exploring Adam Smith's Views on High Profits / Explorando los puntos de vista de Adam Smith sobre los altos beneficios
Future (III): Our dreams will finally come home to stay
Progress (VII): Extreme Inequality is a Threat to Democracy
Religion (VI) Enlightenment and Science / Religión (VI) Ilustración y ciencia
Religion (V) and Economy / Religión (V) y economía
Religion (III): Essential Functions - I / Religión (III): Funciones esenciales - I
Religion (II) and Darwinism / Religión (II) y darwinismo
Religion: Evolutionary justification / Religión: Justificación evolutiva
Societies (VI): Progress, Inequality, Revolutions / Sociedades (VI): progreso, desigualdad...
Societies (V): First civilizations -Gilgamesh/ Sociedades (V) Primeras civilizaciones -Gilgamesh
Societies (IV): Farming / Sociedades (IV): Agricultura
Societies (II) and Myths / Sociedades (II) y mitos
Human Societies / Sociedades humanas
Human Nature (III): The relativity theory and the dance of Macarena
Human Nature (II) / Naturaleza humana (II)
Human Nature / Naturaleza humana