Plastics: We can't live with them; we can't live without them.
"There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved."
Food: On the impact on the environment and biodiversity
Progress in Health: First Chikungunya Vaccine
Future (III): Our dreams will finally come home to stay
Future (II) and Sustainable Development Goals
Future (I): Respond well to changes
Biodiversity loss (VII), Anthropocene or Eremocene
Biodiversity loss (V). We are devouring the planet.
Climate Emergency (X): Future
Climate Emergency (IX): IPCC & 2023 AR 6 Synthesis Report Highlights
Climate Emergency (VIII): World Energy Outlook 2022 Report Highlights
Climate Emergency (VII): Health Impacts & more
Climate Emergency (VI): Ice disappears and sea level rises
Climate Emergency (V): Tipping points
Climate emergency (IV): Steel Bones & Concrete Muscles
Climate Emergency (III): CO2 Emissions per Citizen and Country
Climate Emergency (II): Temperature rising
Climate Emergency: Why? - Emergencia climática: ¿Por qué?